因為大多數的華人都不是很清楚自然醫學到底是用什麼治療來幫助病人,我們想在這邊做個調查 , 提供我們有些統計資料做些參考。請大家花點時間幫忙填一下。
Due to the fact that most people of Chinese origin are not exactly sure what Naturopathic Medicine is, we would like to host a survey here to get a rough idea what are some of the habits Chinese patients might have when they visit doctors.
問卷連結 / Survey Link: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/X2L8JCR
這是一個由加拿大國家健康局及BC省政府認可之自然療法醫學院Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine的實習醫師(Clinician) Christine Chen及Joseph Cheng,聯同加拿大政府認可之具有執照的自然醫學醫師 (Naturopathic Doctors),為講中文之一般民眾提供自然療法知識之部落格,在這個部落格裡,我們希望能讓華人也能瞭解什麼是正統北美自然醫學,如何選擇與一般西醫醫師具有相同等級之專業醫學訓練的自然療法醫師,為您提供安全有效的醫療服務。
2012年10月25日 星期四
2012年8月6日 星期一
這是一個由加拿大國家健康局及BC省政府認可之自然療法醫學院Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine的實習醫師(Clinician) Christine Chen及Joseph
Cheng,聯同加拿大政府認可之具有執照的自然醫學醫師 (Naturopathic Doctors),為講中文之一般民眾提供自然療法知識之部落格,在這個部落格裡,我們希望能讓華人也能瞭解什麼是正統北美自然醫學,如何選擇與一般西醫醫師具有相同等級之專業醫學訓練的自然療法醫師,為您提供安全有效的醫療服務。
Boucher Institute
of Naturopathic Medicine自然療法醫學院,也有附設診所提供一般民眾各種醫療服務,無論您有異位性皮膚炎、慢性胃腸疾病、慢性疲勞症候群或是肌痛症,女性疑難雜症,我們都會以自然無害的治療方式,幫您減輕症狀、恢復健康,您只要打電話至:604-540-2873
預約看診,如果您需要中文服務 (只提供掛號服務,不提供咨詢服務),請與 jcheng@binm.org或是cchen@binm.org 聯絡。
This blog is
started by two naturopathic medical students – Christine Chen and Joseph Cheng
– at Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine, one of the seven accredited
schools in North America. The purpose of this blog is to help people of Chinese
origin understand the philosophy and modalities of naturopathic medicine and
learn how to choose a naturopathic doctor who receives equivalent levels of
training to a medical doctor (MD) to best meet their needs at an accredited
naturopathic medical school.
Upon being
posted, the articles on the topics of health and medicine will have been
assessed and approved by two naturopathic physicians practicing in BC – Dr.
Martin Kwok (Richmond) and Dr. Danny Jui (Port Moody).
Institute of Naturopathic Medicine has several affiliated student clinics that
provide general medical services, as well as specific treatment of chronic
diseases, such as atopic dermatitis, gastrointestinal diseases, chronic fatigue
syndrome/fibromyalgia, and conditions associated with various hormone
imbalances. We provide natural treatments to help alleviate the symptoms and
restore your health. Simply call the school clinic at 604-540-2873 to make an
appointment. If you need medical service in Mandarin during the visit, please
contact Joseph (jcheng@binm.org) or Christine (cchen@binm.org).
- 什麼是自然療法醫學?What is Naturopathic Medicine?
- 哪些省/州有政府核可的自然療法醫師(ND)?Which provinces have government-approved regulatory college board to monitor licensed naturopathic doctors (ND)?
- 哪些學校畢業的自然療法醫生才具有報考醫師執業執照資格?Which naturopathic medical schools are accredited by AANMC (Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges)?
- 自然療法醫師會用哪些治療方式幫你解決病痛?What are the commonly used modalities used by ND to help you alleviate pain?
- 自然療法醫師與一般西醫師有什麼不同?What are the differences between an ND and a general physician (GP)?
- 自然療法醫師與中醫師有什麼不同?What are the differences between an ND and a doctor of TCM?
- 我在沒有ND認可的省/州所尋求的自然療法醫師有什麼風險?What are the risks if I choose have a unlicensed ND to provide me with treatments and health advice?
- 自然療法是被醫療保險所給付的醫療方式嗎?Is naturopathic medicine covered by Medical Plan Service (MSP)?
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